X-ray and Ultrasound

Non-invasive diagnostic tools used to identify internal issues and provide targeted medical care.

X-rays are one of the core basic diagnostic tools at your vet’s disposal. X-rays are a fast way of getting a look at internal problems and can be used for a whole host of different things. As a general rule, x-rays can provide pictures of bone, foreign bodies, internal organs and tissue. They can also in some cases be used to detect tumours or other abnormal growths, and the spread of cancers. We have a digital x-ray machine here at Acadia Drive Animal Clinic so that we can offer faster pictures with less radiation exposure.

How do you use ultrasound at your clinic?

Ultrasound is a method of looking at internal “soft tissue” organs of the body. Abdominal ultrasound helps evaluation of abdominal organs including the liver, spleen, stomach, intestines, kidneys, bladder, uterus and prostate gland. This test can be handy for detecting changes in the shape, size, tissue density, internal structure and position of organs. The exam also can identify most abnormal masses or tumours, abdominal fluid, and abnormal lymph nodes. Frequently abnormal tissue or fluid is sampled with a needle or biopsy instrument using the guidance of the ultrasound exam.

How should I prepare my dog for their x-ray appointment?

Radiographs are quite routine here at the clinic, and usually, there is no preparation needed. Unless your dog has to have sedation and/or general anesthetic for specific x-rays, then there may be some fasting required. Most x-rays we do during an appointment slot.

How much does a dog x-ray exam cost?

Depending on what we’re assessing, costs may vary. Please call for prices.

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